General Information about Poland:
Color: White on top and red on the bottom 
"Mazurek D±browskiego":
words (in polish) >> Jeszcze Polska nie zginęla...
history (in polish) >> Hymn jest to uroczysta pie¶ń ...
North-central Europe
Warsaw (Warszawa)
Major Cities:
Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow
Organization of the State:
The Sejm and Senate of the Republic of Poland, where a leader is:
President - Bronislaw Komorowski from 2010r.
The term of office of the President of the Republic of Poland, elected in a general election, is 5 years from the date the President is sworn into office.
the total area of the country ......... 312,685 km2 (120,727sqm)
land area including inland waters .... 311,904 km2
internal waters ............................... 1991 km2
territorial sea ................................. 8682 km2
The total area of the country according to the administrative division amounts to 312,685 km2 and includes a land area (including inland waters) of 311,904 km2 as well as a part of internal waters - 781 km2, i.e.: Wisla Bay including ports - 303 km2, Szczecin Bay, including: Lake Nowowarpienskie, Lake Wicko Wielkie, Kamienski Bay and ports - 466 km2 as well as Gulf of Gdansk ports and border ports - 12 km2.
Territorial structure:
Number of gminas ...............................................2489
Number of powiats/cities with powiat status ........ 308/65
Number of voivodships ........................................... 16
On January 1, 1999, a new fundamental three-tier administrative division of the country was introduced, the entities of which are: gminas, powiats and voivodships. A total of 308 powiats and 65 cities with powiat status as well 16 voivodships were created. This change did not effect gminas, of which there were 2489. Auxiliary entities in gminas are, i.a., village administrator's office. As of July 31, 1999, there were 40,057 such offices.
Length of national border ..... 3495 km
Length of sea border ............ 440 km
with Russia ............ 210 km
with Lithuania ........ 103 km
with Belarus .......... 416 km
with Ukraine .......... 529 km
with Slovakia ......... 541 km
with Czech Rep. ..... 790 km
with Germany ........ 467 km
The highest mountain's peak:
Rysy ..................... 2499 m
in year 2000 ......... 38,646,023
in year 1999 ......... 38,183,000
in year 1990 ......... 35,735,000
in year 1980 ......... 32,658,000
in year 1970 ......... 29,795,000
Based of the population Poland is holding 29th position in the world and 8th in Europe.
Majority of Polish people know other languages like: English, German and Russian
Life Expectancy:
Male .......... 68,8
Female ....... 77,5
Almost 80% of deaths in Poland are due to modern diseases, i.e., as a result of diseases of the circulatory system (approximately 50%), malignant
neoplasm's (approximately 20%) as well as traumas and poisonings (approximately 7%). The most frequent causes of infant deaths are due to diseases contracted during the
parental period (more than 50%) as well as congenital birth defects (approximately 30%).
Religious denominations:
Catholic Church ........ 92% (praktykujacych 75%)
Orthodox and other .... 3%
None ....................... 5%
1 złoty (ZL) = 100 groszy
Exchange rates:
złotych (Zł) per US$1 - 3.14 (2006), 4.3455 (2000), 4.1696 (December 1999), 3.9671 (1999), 3.4754 (1998)
The State Holidays:
My 3 -- Constitution Day (1791)
November 11 -- Independence Day (1918)
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Polish Athem, called "Mazurek D±browskiego", press (in polish) >> Here
This information were based on the Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland - Year 2000 and other sources. We are not responsible for provided information.