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DV Lottery - Win Visa to USA ...
Polonia in USA | Published: PI, date. Februry 5, 2023
In year 2023, the US Department of State again offers the Diversity Visa Lottery Visa Program DV - 2025 which opens the door for legal entry into the United States. Online registration for the DV-2025 Program will be offered between October and November, 2023. Poland might be with otherr countries on the list. All participants who took part in the DV-2023 lottery should check their status between May 6, 2023 and October 30th, 2024 on the official website of the US Department of State.
invite you to participate in the International Expo Krakow (Poland). Please
check the list of events. The International
Exhibition and Convention Centre EXPO Krakow was designed to adjust to a broad
range of events, such as exhibitions, congresses, conferences, business
meetings, presentations and many others.